Whether you’re on the trail, on the racecourse, or even on a recovery, seeing through extreme environments can be one of the biggest challenges you can face. Adapting to one extreme environment is a task in itself, but to be able to adapt to multiple extreme situations on the fly is something that was impossible in lighting, until now. With over 30 years of LED technology evolution, Tyri has created the INTELLilight™.
INTELLilight™ is our new, patented and revolutionary app-controlled lighting system. The system allows the user to control each individual light’s output and color temperature, in addition INTELLilight™ enables the user to create lighting groups so they are able to control multiple lights at once allowing for seemingly endless environmental applications. The INTELLilight™ system gives the user the ability to change their lighting setup on the fly with an easy-to-use app, or the INTELLilight™ remote. It works as a stand-alone system or can be integrated into vehicle UI (User Interface). INTELLilight™ connects all lights in a closed wireless mesh network, meaning you get all the functions without the additional cables. We wanted to make it as user friendly as possible so each INTELLilight™ is a simple 2 wire install.
Tyri has never believed in a “one light fits all” solution which is why we have continued to push LED technology for over 30 years. We know everyone’s eyes see a little differently and that means one color temperature may be more comfortable than another. The INTELLilight™ system offers the user a range of 2,700-6,500 K. This capability to change the color temperature on your lighting setup means you could go from racing in the dust of Johnson Valley to trekking through a blizzard in the U.P. comfortably, all with the same lights. Having that kind of adaptability brings confidence that is yet to be discovered by even the most experienced off-roaders.
On top of the adaptability of color temperature, the INTELLilight™ system also allows even more fine tuning with the ability to control the lights output. We did this because having the brightest lights is a great thing in wide open spaces but when you are squeezing through tight rocks at night or trying to blaze a trail through a dense forest, you do not want your lighting output to become a weapon against you. Bright light will bounce off surfaces creating an undesired diffused reflection counteracting the forward-facing light. Tyri helped fix that issue with the ability to change each light output from 0-2900 effective lumens.
While a pair of INTELLilight™ may replace several other lights, lighting zones are very important to any truly capable offroad vehicle. Having the ability to group an indefinite number of lights together, as well save their settings for future use, gives the user a truly tailored lighting solution.
Extreme environments rarely bring any source of predictability, so be prepared for EVERYTHING with Tyri’s INTELLilight system.